Sunday, April 5, 2015

Am I a Feminist, Yes or No?

          There are many viewpoints and perspectives of what describes a feminist.  Visions can range from someone who doesn't shave their legs and/or armpits, to hating men altogether or to simply believing and striving to attain what are fair and equal human rights between the sexes universally.  Personally I’ve never been one to place a label on myself in particular and have never been asked this question.  However, I have always had the belief in equality and what is fair for all across the sexes, genders, religious beliefs, and nationalities. 
            This nation was born out of escaping oppression only to create a place that either still holds onto certain oppressions or has created its own.   Abigail Adams, was a woman who knew her voice and was not afraid to speak her mind during a time when our country was being formed. In 1776 where she wrote one of her most famous letters to her husband, John Adams, in it she said, “I long to hear that you have declared an independency—and by the way in the new Code of Laws which I suppose it will be necessary for you to make I desire you would remember the ladies, and be more generous and favorable to them than your ancestors.  Do not put such unlimited power into the hands of the husbands.  Remember all men would be tyrants if they could.  If particular care and attention is not paid to the ladies we are determined to foment a rebellion, and will not hold ourselves bound by any laws in which we have no voice or representation.” (as cited in NWHM)  I would consider Mrs. Adams as one of the foremost feminists of our time in this country.  Her reference to all men being tyrants can be witnessed throughout history.  Was she being playful or was there a hint of realism? Is it a natural human behavior or is it created when we ourselves discover we have limitations and in realizing so must oppress another in order to feel strong within?  Is it gender related or societal?  If man/woman is feeling complete within themselves would this need to oppress dissipate?  Questions I’d like to entertain but I’m watching my word count here.
               In the past if asked this question, I probably would have responded that I’m a humanist, however after the readings I think it can be more simply put that if one is a feminist, all possible viewpoints are then covered in the fight for equality for all.  For if there ever comes the day that there is 100% and total equality between men and women worldwide, it won’t matter the color, religious belief, gender, economic status or nationality of the parties. 
               Internationally for a country that claims to be at the realm for implementing a Democratic society, the United States falls short in the area for equality for women.  Scandinavian countries such as Iceland, Finland, and Norway and even South Africa surpass the United States.  About 12 years ago I spent some time in South Africa and participated in one of their National Holidays, Women’s Day, in which all come out to celebrate the women of the country in song, dance and festival.  Even the corporate world is closed on such a day; can you imagine banks closed here in the US in order to celebrate women?
               That being said I would now say that I would describe myself as a true feminist.  One that encompasses the viewpoint of all five of the different types of feminism, from liberal, cultural, socialist, radical to women of all color.  I may shave my arm pits and my legs, but my beliefs and values are strong for equality not only for women but for all.  

Works Cited

NWHM. (n.d.). National Women’s History Museum. Retrieved January 31, 2015, from National Women's History Museum website:

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