Thursday, July 18, 2013

Watch your manners... and let the funeral procession pass by...

In the last few weeks I've been to two funerals... both sad and unexpected.  I'm not meaning to start my first blog off with something that will bring you down, make you sad, cry or depressed.  Like I said, this is all about what's on my mind at the moment.

Do you remember going for your driver's permit?  Well, there are a lot of people out there who need to review their book.  Now we all have been in that line of cars at one time or another, and I ask, do we forget how we felt at that time?  Can you remember why or for whom you were in that line for?  It's not a fun ride no matter what the circumstance.  On top of that, think of how it feels then when you have cars trying to either cut in, make a turn into the procession, pull up along side of you trying to cut in, or continue on their way so oblivious to their surroundings that they don't witness the car lights on, flashers flashing, funeral markers upon the cars and actually do join in the procession.  

Yes believe it.  The first funeral I went to a few weeks back, the line on the way to the cemetery was broken with cars that didn't belong.  I was fuming.  Could they really not get it that this was a line of mourners.  A few of us at the end of the line literally got waylaid and had to find our own way to lay our friend to rest.  Unfortunately there were no officers available for this procession but that shouldn't make a difference.

This week, another funeral.   For a man that most of us can only dream of mentoring or coming close to.  His torch will be a hard one to follow, however, I made my personal vow to myself to try and be better in every way I can be. 

This procession however did have a police escort, but even with that to no avail, there were still people trying to cut in, cut off, join in, or pass by.  Again I couldn't believe it.  What is wrong with people???  Are you in that much of a rush?  Is what you have on your plate so important you cannot allow for 3 minutes at the most until the cars pass by you?  I ask, if you don't have any concern for those saddened people passing by you, people that have lost someone they love very much, can you at least think of your own people. During those brief moments of time that it takes for the cars to pass you and allow you to get on your way, take that time to be grateful that it's not you in that line that we all dread to be in.  Take that time to think of the one's you love.  You're stopped, give them a call to just say "Hey, I love you and I'm glad you're here."  Do that for me, use your 3 minutes in a much wiser fashion.  In some countries, the whole village shuts down and all mourn the loss.

Yes... the world according to G... what a better place it would be...

Goodnight all,

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